Friday, April 20, 2007

Shannon's Entropy

Using Shannon's Entropy in Excel makes making diagrams easy and organized. I think this would be helpful for teachers who are trying to show how their students perform and the flow of their classrooms. I think the diagram is also very important in understanding search engines, such as Google because it is like a chain of events where you have to input a search query and it will narrow your results based on what you say is true about what you are looking for or not.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Using Excel

I think the lab was useful for working in jobs involve business and statistics because Excel helps make things easier to organize and group. It also helps when trying to make graphs, and this can be useful for projects or presentations. It is kind of hard to use, but when you understand how to use it it makes figuring out answers to equations like average and sum quicker than using a calculator.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Chapter 6 Andy ClaRK

It's interesting how the internet adapts to us, as if it knows us. For example, when you search something on Google it already has a long lists of possible things that you would probably past searches that may simplify what you're looking for. I think this is for people who are not used to using the internet, or who do not use it regularly, to simplify things for them. I think it's also potentially dangereous that computers know us and adapt to us so well because the idea of a computer knowing your information that could be tracked could be a doorway for thieves to steal from you or identity theft. I think the way we rely on the internet too much could be bad in the long run.

Introduction to Unix Lab 5

The lab on unix and shells was interesting because it brought up the day I was born which was nice to know. Four important commands that I learned for Unix was cal (calendar), whoami (displays user name), finger (displays information about someone else on a computer), and chsh (to change shell). I think whoami and finger commands have Windows counterparts.

Friday, February 9, 2007


The css lab is a nice simpler way to link things to your html file. It makes changing your webpage quicker and more efficient.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Modeling The World

I never knew thought that people could make everything a mathematical code. When I look at a physical object, such as a computer, it is hard for me to think of it as a mathematical equation or as a symbol like the plant symbols. Also, I thought it was interesting how the Fibonacci sequence applies to so many physical objects in the world, such as flowers and seashells.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Library of Babel

I think that in the first two paragraphs the author is talking about how the devil tried to overthrow God, and that the book is the God's book because he/she said they would see, it no matter what, before they died. In the next few paragraphs I think the author was beginning to talk about cavemen and life as we know it because they mentioned languages that could not be understood, and that people wrote with pictures.